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  1. Post-doc fellowship (2012-2014) of the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)​
  2. Mitacs Elevate strategic post-doc fellowship, 2011-12*
  3. Best Paper Award, 2010, by the editorial board of the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Wageningen University, Taylor & Francis.
  4. Scholarship of the Royal Holloway University of London, to attend the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development,  London, 13-16 September, 2010
  5. Student Reporter Grant of the North-South Centre, ETH Zurich to cover the the Tropentag, Zurich, September 14-16, 2010.
  6. Scholarship of the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education to attend the refresher training course, ‘Development of sustainable potato supply chains to support rural development in Asia’, 30 Nov-11 Dec, 2009, Hanoi.
  7. North South Dialogue scholarship, 2007-2011 (Now APPEAR), Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Higher Education to complete the Doctoral studies in the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
  8. Scholarship of the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (2005-2007), Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education to complete MSc course in the Wageningen University, The Netherlands.​


*(2)Deferred for taking up the SSHRC fellowship award


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