Ataharul Chowdhury
Assistant Professor
School of Environmental Design & Rural Development
University of Guelph
​A. Manuscript in Preparation/Submitted
Chowdhury A.H., Hambly Odame, H., Leeuwis, C (2013). Transforming roles of extension to strengthen innovation: Lessons from Bangladesh, Accepted The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension.​​
Chowdhury AH & Hambly Odame, H. (2013). Social media in enhancing innovation in the Canadian agri-food and rural sector. Accepted, Journal of Rural and Community Development.
B. Peer-reviewed Journal
Chowdhury, A. H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. (2011). Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to capital assets building: Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Vol 35 (4):408–435.​
Chowdhury, A.H., Odame Hambly, H and Hauser, M (2010). With or without a script? Comparing two styles of participatory video on enhancing local seed innovation system in Bangladesh. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Vol 16 (4): 355-371​
Hauser, M., Chowdhury, A. H., Peloschek, F. A., & Singh, S. J. (2010). Farmer participatory research: an approach to fostering community-led innovation in smallholder agriculture. Austrian Journal of Development Studies (Journal Für Entwicklungspolitik), Vol 26(4 ): 101-118.
Huque, M. M., Chowdhury, A. H., & Saha, B. (2008). Farmers' communication exposure to rice and poultry farming. The Bangladesh Rural Development Studies, XII(1), pp. 1-10.
Huque M. M. and Chowdhury, A. H. (2007). A Scale to Measure Superstition. Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 3 (1): 18-23
Sarker, A., Chowdhury A.H. and Itohara, Y. (2006). Entrepreneurships Barriers of Pond Fish Culture in Bangladesh- A case Study from Mymensingh District. Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 2 (3), pp. 68-73.
Chowdhury, A.H. (2004). Factors influencing farmers’ awareness on adverse effect of rice monoculture. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 55-62.
Alamin, S., Miah, M.A.M. and Chowdhury, A.H. (2004). Role of women in the improvement of livelihoods of resource poor household. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education. Vol. 16 (Special Issue), pp. 25-33.
Chowdhury, M. R. I. and Chowdhury, A. H. (2004) . Mother’s Education Influencing Child Mortality Status in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education. Vol. 16 (2), pp. 107-115.
Farhad, A.K.M., Kashem, M. A., Miah, M.A.M. and Chowdhury, A.H. (2004). Use of IPM practices in vegetable cultivation by women farmers. Progressive Agriculture. Vol. 15(1), pp. 31-38.
Uddin, M. N., Miah, M. A. M., Rahman, M. H. and Chowdhury, A. H. (2004). Knowledge of CARE and Non-CARE Beneficiaries on Environment Friendly Farming Practices. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education. Vol. 16(2), pp. 47-52.
Chowdhury, A.H., Miah, M. A. M., Rahman, M. H. (2003). Farmers’ attitude towards crop diversification. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education. Vol. 15 (1&2), pp. 101-108.
Chowdhury, A.H., Miah, M. A. M., Rahman, M. H. (2003). Constraints faced by the farmers in diversified crop cultivation. Progressive agriculture. Vol.14 (1&2), pp.101-108.
Hossain, M.A., Islam, M.R., Chowdhury, A.H. and Ali, M.M. (2003). Change in socio-economic status of CARE-beneficiaries in flood prone haor areas. Progressive Agriculture. Vol.14 (1&2), pp. 157-162.
Hossain, M.A., Chowdhury, A.H. Islam, M.R. and Ali, M.M.. (2003). Economic achievement of the CARE-beneficiaries in flood prone haor area. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science. Vol. 9 (2), pp. 372-376.
Sarker, R.C., Hossain, M.A. and Chowdhury, A.H. (2003). Farmers’ use of indigenous practices as an alternative to agro-chemical use in crop cultivation. Progressive Agriculture. Vol. 14 (1&2), pp. 171-176.
Sarker, R.C., Hossain, M.A., Chowdhury, A.H. and Hamid, M.A.. (2003). Farmers' Perception of Environmental Degradation due to Use of Agro-chemicals. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science. Vol. 9(2), pp. 368-371.
C. Peer-reviewed Book/Chapters/ Proceedings
Chowdhury A.H. (2010). Having a System Does not Make a Home of It… A Case Study on the Institutions Building Process of an Agricultural Development Project in Bangladesh. Saarbrücken, Germany, Verlag Dr. Müller, pp. 168, (ISBN, 978-3-639-27648-0).​
Chowdhury A.H. and Hauser, M. (2010). The potentials of moving pictures. Does participatory video enhance learning for local innovation? In. E. Coudel, H. Devautour, Soulard, C and B. Hubert (Eds.). Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Symposium Proceedings, CIRAD, INRA and Montpellier SupAgro, (ISBN 978-2-7380-1284-5).
Aktar, R., Chowdhury, A., Zakaria, A. K. M., & Vogl, C. R. (2010). Seed information and communication networks of male and female farmers: A micro level study in Bangladesh. In: I. Darnhofer & M. Grötzer (eds.), Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. Vienna, Universität für Bodenkultur, pp. 760-769 (ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9).
Kummer, S., Aigelsperger, L., Milestead, R., Chowdhury, A. H., & Vogl, C. R. (2010). Knowledge systems, innovations and social learning in organic farming- An overview. In: I. Darnhofer & M. Grötzer (eds.), Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. Vienna, Universität für Bodenkultur, pp. 664-669 (ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9).
Huque, M.M. and Chowdhury, A.H. (2006). Role of Women as Clients and Change Agents in Selected Areas of Development: Reflection from Empirical Evidence. In: Ullah M.M. and A. Islam (eds.). Gender and Human Resources for Health in South Asia: Challenges and Constraints. University Grants Commission (UGC), Dhaka and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Canada. Pp. 131-150 (ISBN 984-809-023-1). .​
D. Conference Proceedings/Book of Abstract
​Chowdhury AH, Aktar, R., Peloschek, F.A., Sarker, M.A.(2011). Participatory rural video centre- An approach to support learning and farmers’ innovation in Bangladesh. Tielkes, E. (ed.) ‘Development at the Margin’ Tropentag 2011, Organized by the University of Bonn, October 5-7, 2011, Bonn, p.119. Link​
Chowdhury A.H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. (2010). Learning through moving pictures: Farmer-to-farmer video to stimulate farmers’ innovations about botanical and alternative pest management practices in Bangladesh. In. Tielkes, E. (ed.). Book of abstract Tropentag, 2010 (World food system- A contribution from Europe) held during September 14-16, North-South Centre of the ETH Zurich, pp.582.​
Chowdhury A.H., Van Mele, P and Hauser, M. (2009). Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to food security: evidence from Bangladesh. In: Tielkes, E. (ed.). Book of abstract Tropentag, 2009 (Biophysical and socio-economic frame conditions for the sustainable management of natural resources: International research on food security, natural resource management and rural development) held during 6-8 October, University of Hamburg, pp.559.
Chowdhury A.H., Leeuwis, C., Hauser, M. (2009). Challenges to achieve systemic interaction under new institutional arrangements of an agricultural development project: A case study in Bangladesh. In: Pröbstl, U. Book of abstract, 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM 2009) held during July 5–8, Vienna, Universität Für Bodenkulture, p. 60
​Chowdhury A.H. and Hauser M. (2009). Assessment of scripted and scriptless participatory video on usefulness for local seed innovation system in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Innovation Asia Pacific Symposium, held during May 4-7, Kathmandu, Nepal, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture & International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, available at​
E. Video, Lecture & Training Materials
Chowdhury A. H. (2010). Say ‘NO’ to chemicals, ‘USE’ botanicals. Video developed on farmers’ participatory research about a local botanical pesticide in Bangladesh, and presented in the symposium Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food held during, 28 June to 1 July, 2010, Montpellier, CIRDA, INRA & Montpellier SupAgro.​
Chowdhury, A. H. (2010). ‘Enabling Rural Innovation: Development at the science-practice interface’. Video developed on the opinion (of the director of the Centre for Development Research, Vienna) about the impact of enabling rural innovation approach on rural poverty in Africa, and presented during annual general meeting of the Horizon 3000, in July, 2010, Kampala, Uganda.
Chowdhury, A H. (2009). ‘Simple care and low cost practices, Bring both golden seeds and produces’. Video on local seed innovations of eggplant seed production and processing in Bangladesh presented in the Innovation Asia Pacific Symposium, 4-7, May, Kathmandu, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture & International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development.
Chowdhury, A. H. (2009). 'Overcoming crises-a kaleidoscope of opinions from around the world’. Video presented at the Inaugural workshop of the Centre for Development Research, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, on 14 October, 2009, Vienna. Available at
Chowdhury et al (2009). ‘Practical manual of agricultural extension education’. Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Author/Co-author of the following chapters
Preparation and Use of Poster, pp 5-6
Preparation and Use of Flash Cards, pp.7-8
Preparation and Delivery of a Lecture, pp. 12-14
Preparation of Questionnaires, pp. 36-39
Conducting a Case Study, pp. 41-43​